Tips To Maintain A Cascade Palm Tree

Cascade Palms are very adaptable and can be grown in full sun or as an indoor plant. The Cascade Palm is also known as the cat palm. It has large dark green fronds that provide extremely dense foliage. They usually grow to around 3 feet and have shrubby growth along its short trunks. Thus, it makes them quite a bushy variety of palm compared to single trunk palms. In native habitat they grow close to the streams and freshwater sources in warm climatic conditions. Hence, they require much higher moisture compared to other varieties of palms. When planted outdoors they rarely exceed fence height – about 5 feet tall.

How Best to Grow a Cascade Palm?

Expose Them to Indirect Light

One must keep Cascade Palm Tree in such a place that will not allow them to get exposed to direct sunlight when grown indoors. Direct Sunlight can harm the leaves and hence cause a rapid loss of moisture. So, make sure to choose a location that indirectly receives extremely bright sunlight for at least half of the day. Search using the term “cascade palm trees for sale” and you can find it easily online.

Check: Garden Plants in Newcastle

Maintain Proper Temperature

The temperature of somewhere between 18oC and 28oC should be maintained to keep the Cascade looking its best. Choose a location away from air conditioner vents as cooler air can cause damage to the Cascade Palm.

Regular Watering

You should make sure to water a cascade palm tree either once or twice a week. Apart from this, when the soil surface starts getting dried out but before it feels dry under the surface, you must keep it moist by watering. These types of palms need soil that stays wet with the root system not drying out.

Keep The Fronds Clean

Try to mist the fronds with water after every two days and hence keep the fronds clean. It would also increase the level of humidity around the plants. During the winter season, a humidifier maybe of benefit. They are however generally a fairly hardy palm.

Use a Houseplant Fertilizer

One can even apply a soluble tropical houseplant fertilizer every month, especially during the growing seasons of Spring and Summer, but not during winter months.